Mentor Graphics Precision 2023.1


Mentor Graphics Precision 2023.1

Precision FPGA Synthesis

Precision Synthesis is the industry’s most comprehensive FPGA vendor-independent solution. It offers best-in-class results for performance and area. Precision has tight integration across the Siemens FPGA flow from C++/SystemC/RTL design through simulation and formal verification to board design.

Advanced Synthesis for NanoXplore FPGAs


Many space and mil-aero applications require specialized FPGAs with built-in protection from SEEs. NanoXplore introduces new FPGAs targeting this market. Precision Synthesis, in close partnership with NanoXplore, is the first to offer full synthesis support for the NG-Ultra device. Precision has seamless integration with the NXmap P&R tool to complete the design flow from RTL to gates to bitstream generation.





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